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GmbH formation
139€ instead of 389€

for GmbH formation with partner package

  • Get up and running as quickly as possible
  • Incorporate your company without navigating bureaucracy
  • Receive ongoing support from a dedicated consultant
  • Get a free one-month Business Account trial

Tailored solution for your formation

We are supporting all formations in Germany (GmbH, UG, gGmbH, gUG, Freelancer, Sole Proprietorship, etc.)


Top features

  1. 01

    Company name check with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  2. 02

    Notary appointment in the city of your choice

  3. 03

    Preparation of the opening of your company business account

  4. 04

    Handling of your company's entry into the commercial register (Handelsregister)

  5. 05

    Preparation of your trade registration (Gewerbeanmeldung)

  6. 06

    Timely preparation of your tax office questionnaire (Finanzamtfragebogen) for the application of your VAT ID (USt.-ID)

Areas of expertise:

  • Incorporation and corporate matters
  • Financing & Accounting
  • Tax-Services and Annual Accounts
  • Legal Services
  • Trademark registration


  • +93 Afghanistan (افغانستان)
  • +355 Albania (Shqipëri)
  • +213 Algeria (الجزائر)
  • +376 Andorra
  • +244 Angola
  • +374 Armenia (Հայաստան)
  • +1 268 Antigua and Barbuda
  • +54 Argentina
  • +61 Australia
  • +43 Austria (Österreich)
  • +994 Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)
  • +1 242 Bahamas
  • +973 Bahrain (البحرين)
  • +880 Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশ)
  • +1 246 Barbados
  • +375 Belarus (Беларусь)
  • +32 Belgium (België)
  • +501 Belize
  • +229 Benin (Bénin)
  • +975 Bhutan (འབྲུག)
  • +591 Bolivia
  • +387 Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • +267 Botswana
  • +55 Brazil (Brasil)
  • +673 Brunei
  • +359 Bulgaria (България)
  • +226 Burkina Faso
  • +257 Burundi (Uburundi)
  • +855 Cambodia (កម្ពុជា)
  • +237 Cameroon (Cameroun)
  • +1 Canada
  • +238 Cape Verde (Kabu Verdi)
  • +236 Central African Republic (République centrafricaine)
  • +235 Chad (Tchad)
  • +56 Chile
  • +86 China (中国)
  • +57 Colombia
  • +269 Comoros (جزر القمر)
  • +243 Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)
  • +242 Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)
  • +682 Cook Islands
  • +506 Costa Rica
  • +225 Cote d’Ivoire
  • +385 Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • +53 Cuba
  • +357 Cyprus (Κύπρος)
  • +420 Czech Republic (Česká republika)
  • +45 Denmark (Danmark)
  • +253 Djibouti
  • +1 767 Dominica
  • +1 Dominican Republic (República Dominicana)
  • +593 Ecuador
  • +20 Egypt (مصر)
  • +503 El Salvador
  • +240 Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)
  • +291 Eritrea
  • +372 Estonia (Eesti)
  • +251 Ethiopia
  • +679 Fiji
  • +358 Finland (Suomi)
  • +33 France
  • +241 Gabon
  • +220 Gambia
  • +995 Georgia (საქართველო)
  • +49 Germany (Deutschland)
  • +233 Ghana (Gaana)
  • +30 Greece (Ελλάδα)
  • +1 473 Grenada
  • +502 Guatemala
  • +224 Guinea (Guinée)
  • +245 Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)
  • +592 Guyana
  • +509 Haiti
  • +504 Honduras
  • +852 Hong Kong (香港)
  • +36 Hungary (Magyarország)
  • +354 Iceland (Ísland)
  • +91 India (भारत)
  • +62 Indonesia
  • +98 Iran (ایران)
  • +964 Iraq (العراق)
  • +353 Ireland
  • +972 Israel (ישראל)
  • +39 Italy (Italia)
  • +1 Jamaica
  • +81 Japan (日本)
  • +962 Jordan (الأردن)
  • +7 Kazakhstan (Казахстан)
  • +254 Kenya
  • +686 Kiribati
  • +383 Kosovo (Republic)
  • +965 Kuwait (الكويت)
  • +996 Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)
  • +856 Laos (ລາວ)
  • +371 Latvia (Latvija)
  • +961 Lebanon (لبنان)
  • +266 Lesotho
  • +231 Liberia
  • +218 Libya (ليبيا)
  • +423 Liechtenstein
  • +370 Lithuania (Lietuva)
  • +352 Luxembourg
  • +853 Macao
  • +389 Macedonia (FYROM) (Македонија)
  • +261 Madagascar (Madagasikara)
  • +265 Malawi
  • +60 Malaysia
  • +960 Maldives
  • +223 Mali
  • +356 Malta
  • +692 Marshall Islands
  • +222 Mauritania (موريتانيا)
  • +230 Mauritius (Moris)
  • +52 Mexico (México)
  • +691 Micronesia
  • +373 Moldova (Republica Moldova)
  • +377 Monaco
  • +976 Mongolia (Монгол)
  • +382 Montenegro (Crna Gora)
  • +212 Morocco (المغرب)
  • +258 Mozambique (Moçambique)
  • +95 Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)
  • +264 Namibia (Namibië)
  • +674 Nauru
  • +977 Nepal (नेपाल)
  • +31 Netherlands (Nederland)
  • +64 New Zealand
  • +505 Nicaragua
  • +227 Niger (Nijar)
  • +234 Nigeria
  • +683 Niue
  • +850 North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)
  • +47 Norway (Norge)
  • +968 Oman (عُمان)
  • +507 Panama
  • +92 Pakistan (پاکستان)
  • +680 Palau
  • +970 Palestinian Territory
  • +675 Papua New Guinea
  • +595 Paraguay
  • +51 Peru (Perú)
  • +63 Philippines
  • +48 Poland (Polska)
  • +351 Portugal
  • +974 Qatar (قطر)
  • +40 Romania (România)
  • +7 Russian Federation (Российская Федерация)
  • +250 Rwanda
  • +1 869 Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • +1 758 Saint Lucia
  • +1 784 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • +685 Samoa
  • +378 San Marino
  • +239 Sao Tome and Principe (São Tomé e Príncipe)
  • +966 Saudi Arabia (المملكة العربية السعودية)
  • +221 Senegal (Sénégal)
  • +381 Serbia (Србија)
  • +248 Seychelles
  • +232 Sierra Leone
  • +65 Singapore
  • +421 Slovakia (Slovensko)
  • +386 Slovenia (Slovenija)
  • +677 Solomon Islands
  • +252 Somalia (Soomaaliya)
  • +27 South Africa
  • +82 South Korea (대한민국)
  • +211 South Sudan (جنوب السودان)
  • +34 Spain (España)
  • +94 Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)
  • +249 Sudan (السودان)
  • +597 Suriname
  • +268 Swaziland
  • +46 Sweden (Sverige)
  • +41 Switzerland (Schweiz)
  • +963 Syria (سوريا)
  • +886 Taiwan (台灣)
  • +992 Tajikistan
  • +255 Tanzania
  • +66 Thailand (ไทย)
  • +228 Togo
  • +676 Tonga
  • +1 868 Trinidad and Tobago
  • +216 Tunisia (تونس)
  • +90 Turkey (Türkiye)
  • +993 Turkmenistan
  • +688 Tuvalu
  • +256 Uganda
  • +380 Ukraine (Україна)
  • +971 United Arab Emirates (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
  • +44 United Kingdom
  • +1 USA
  • +598 Uruguay
  • +998 Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)
  • +678 Vanuatu
  • +39 Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)
  • +58 Venezuela
  • +84 Vietnam (Việt Nam)
  • +967 Yemen (اليمن)
  • +260 Zambia
  • +263 Zimbabwe
  • UG
  • GmbH
  • Freelancer
  • GbR
  • Holding
  • gGmbH / gUG
  • GmbH & Co. KG / UG & Co. KG
  • AG
  • I haven't decided yet.
  • In the morning
  • Lunchtime
  • Afternoon
  • Evening
  • All day
  • Yes
  • No
  • Company formation
  • Business account
  • Company formation + business account
  • Company formation + business account + bookkeeping

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Register your company and get all the benefits of Finom business account

  • Business account

    • A dedicated consultant
    • Express-Service
  • Reconciliation

    • Auto connection of invoices with payments
    • Collect, store and digitalize receipts and other documents with just a snap
  • Cards

    • Free physical and virtual cards
    • The highest 3% Cashback on the market
  • Customer support

    • Support reaction less than 5 mins
    • 5 star rating from 92% of our customers
  • Invoicing

    • Automatic payment reminders to your customer
    • 60 secs to create an invoice and send it to the client with: email, facebook, whats app
    • Link inside the invoice allows you to pay in just one click
  • Accounting

    • Full or limited safe access for your accountant
    • Integrations with Lexoffice, DATEV Online, sevDesk, FastBill, Sorted and more

Free virtual and physical cards with up to 3% cashback

  • Issue and block virtual cards within one minute
  • Customise card limits for different employees
  • Our virtual card service is free of charge
  • Easily pay anywhere with

our general partner in Germany